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- What Kind of Shopper and Cook are you?on March 9, 2025
In this episode, Kim discusses how a homemaker can have a different mindset when shopping than when she has to cook in the evenings, when she may be tired or rushed.
- Understanding how our Food Journey is a Refining Processon January 28, 2025
Listen to Career Homemaker’s Healthy Homemaker series. In this episode, Kim discusses how our food journey can be a refining process. What has your journey been like, from the way you used to eat to where you are now? It often resembles a child’s bumpy rollercoaster ride—going around and around the same track. There is much more at play than just the food on our plates; there’s so much more involved. Be sure to listen to Career Homemaker’s Healthy Homemaker series.Career Homemaker
- Being a Healthy Homemakeron January 21, 2025
In his episode, Kim shares how the best time to work on your health is when you are healthy. It is much easier to stay healthy than to try to get your health back. When a homemaker is healthy, she can do her job without pain or exhaustion. She can enjoy the little moments in her day.Career Homemakers
- Living in the Moment and Praying for Todayon January 14, 2025
In this episode, Kim shares how to Live One Day at a Time. This means focusing on prayer, planning, and living in the present moment. It’s important to make good use of today. What needs to be accomplished? My family needs to eat, have clean clothes, and get to their activities. Live and pray in today with the hope for tomorrow. Exercise your faith while you pray. She also discusses the fires in California and how this has led her to think about today’s challenges instead of worrying about tomorrow.You can read this post on My Heart’s CryFind more information on Career Homemakers Purchase book The Career Homemaker: A Practical Guide to a Productive, Creative and Fulfilling Career in the Home.
- Expectations vs. Reality: A Heartfelt Christmason December 14, 2024
In this episode Kim shares a lesson on expectations of Christmas. She prays for her listeners.What is burdening you today concerning the upcoming holiday? What element is it? Is it the people, the list of things to do and gifts to buy, or loneliness?Wherever you are, Jesus is saying the same thing. Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Order her book, Career HomemakerCheck out for more information about the Podcast.
- The Homemaker’s Self-Careon December 10, 2024
In this episode, Kim discusses Homemaker self-care. She discusses a good way to start the day, taking breaks, maintaining friendships, physical health, and taking the long way home. When we take care of ourselves, we can better take care of our families, too.The Career Homemaker bookCareer Homemaker Site
- Coping with Pre Holiday Jitterson November 16, 2024
In this episode, Kim discusses pre-holiday jitters. Are you ready for the mass amounts of activities that accompany the holiday season? Yeah, I’m not either. Let’s talk about what we can do this week to prepare ourselves.The Career Homemaker Book LinkThe Career Homemaker Web Page
- How to Show Mercy Through Neighborly Actson November 12, 2024
In this episode, Kim shares about being neighborly. Most of us understand the importance of being good neighbors. We relish the opportunity to connect with those living closest to us. When we go out of our way for a neighbor who lives close to us, it is easier to go out of our way to meet the needs of a stranger we meet at a park, store, or on the highway.Kim also read about finances from her new book, The Career Homemaker.Click on this Amazon link to find more info.
- Balancing Responsibilities: Volunteering, Ministry and Part Timeon November 5, 2024
In this episode, Kim discusses how volunteering, ministry, or part-time work can affect the Career Homemaker’s primary focus on their career. She shares her heartfelt perspectives on how to evaluate whether an opportunity is worth the time taken away from family and home responsibilities. In an era of inflation, where an additional income may seem beneficial, it is important for husbands and wives to agree on any significant changes.Take a look at Kim’s new book, The Career Homemaker. It serves as a great companion to this podcast. In the book, Kim explores the role of a homemaker, highlighting their tasks and relationships. True to her style, she also addresses the attitudes of homemakers and offers insights on how to make this career a joyful experience.Website: The Career Homemaker
- The Christian Homemaker’s Voteon October 31, 2024
Welcome to Career Homemakers, where we aim for a productive, creative, and fulfilling career in the home. In today’s episode, Kim covers The Christian Homemaker’s Vote. Kim talks about the Christian homemaker’s vote. I wanted to share some tips on voting to relieve the pressure a little. Some listening to this podcast just brought a baby home from the hospital, or maybe your children have been sick, or let’s face it, life with younger children makes it even harder to put food on the table some nights. So, sitting down to research by reading and trying to understand different propositions and candidates’ viewpoints is overwhelming. So, I’m here to impart grace to our Career Homemaker moms. So here goes.You don’t have to vote for every section.Model voting in front of your children.Misleading AdsPrayKim has a new book out. It’s called The Career Homemaker, and it’s a practical guide to a productive, creative, and fulfilling career in the home. Check it out on Amazon.